
Fishing Area Redevelopment of an area in Wuxiang, Shanxi – China

Wuxiang County is located in the Shanxi Province. The city of Wuxiang is located about 200 km from Taiyuan and is surrounded by terraced hills about 900 meters above sea level. Around the town of Wuxiang there are many small villages composed of residential units characterized by very symmetrical structures and geometrically aligned. They were and still are the typical houses of farmers, in fact, the local economy lives on agriculture. The representative of the local party strongly wanted to design the redevelopment of the area between the Zhuozhang River and one of the villages in the area. This is an area of ​​50,000 square meters that housed in part a series of prefabricated sheds where live hens in battery for the production of eggs. The strong ambition of the local party is to revive the economy of these villages trying to transform areas (like this) into poles of attraction. The design of the site involves the construction of a large artificial lake for sport fishing in the green with internal paths that wind through the park. The paths that cross the river and that line the banks have been designed to explore the surrounding areas characterized by high and beautiful views. Along the river there are a series of housing units for tourism conceived with properly insulated container structures, there is a panoramic restaurant with a roof garden, there are areas dedicated to reading and tea rooms and conversation. The project also involves the construction of a series of shops that can also be related to the sport of fishing, jogging, mountain biking, gadjet. The project is underway.